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Thrillist Atlanta
Thursday September 3, 2009

Atlanta Crime Tracker

Atlanta's a city where no matter where you start, you can still make yourself, as long as you don't wind up living in an area where you're often forced to "Break yourself." Fool. Keeping you apprised of where the malfeasance be, Atlanta Crime Tracker.

Thrillist - Atlanta Crime Tracker
Conceived by a GSU doctoral candidate, ACT's a new website that keeps you updated on ATL metro area lawlessness using crime data gathered from the Atlanta PD, by Gmapping them by type and time occurred, leaving you shocked to see how many people brazenly remove mattress labels in broad daylight. The criminality commences with with a map of inside-285, with color-coded circles plotted at the locations of crimes, each getting a symbol to denote a different transgression (e.g., murder, burglary & narcotics, each of which you can toggle on/off); click a marker and you'll get a popup telling you the most recent incident that occurred there, plus nearby similar crimes, with the date, exact street address, and a clickable incident number leading to fuller details spelled out in truncated-but-decipherable police language: ROB-STREET-OTHER WEAPON, BURG-FORCD ENTRY, and LAR-SUDDEN SNATCH, which surprisingly comes from the theft, not prostitution, category. Right now, tracking dates back to Jan 2009, and you can designate up to a one-month date range in calendar boxes (or click on a month-by-month readout to view 7-10 day windows), e.g., while there were two murders from May 10-17, 124 vehicle thefts occurred from June 1-5 -- reassuring news, unless you're a Mercury Mountaineer.

If you prefer to be constantly updated on when crimes occur, Tracker can immediately send alerts to your email address -- set it up just for assaults, and you'll truly be getting the breaking news.

Stay one step ahead of the bad guys by staying tuned to local misdeeds when they happen; visit right now

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